Lakeview Live at The Monument
The Steel Woods - Old Town Smokeout Day 2
Aug 23, 2024
8:00 pm
The Steel Woods - Old Town Smokeout Day 2
The Monument
$5 Friday - Passengers Unknow
Oct 25, 2024
7:00 pm
$5 Friday - Passengers Unknow
The Monument
Halloween Party + Costume Party
Oct 25, 2024
11:00 pm
Halloween Party + Costume Party
The Monument
Journey Tribute: Trial By Fire
Oct 26, 2024
7:30 pm
Journey Tribute: Trial By Fire
The Monument
Dia De Los Muertos
Oct 26, 2024
11:00 pm
Dia De Los Muertos
The Monument
An Evening with Shadowgrass
Nov 1, 2024
7:30 pm
An Evening with Shadowgrass
The Monument
Ladies Night w/ Dj Bezo & Dj Milk
Nov 2, 2024
10:00 pm
Ladies Night w/ Dj Bezo & Dj Milk
The Monument
Micro Wrestling All-Stars
Nov 6, 2024
8:00 pm
Micro Wrestling All-Stars
The Monument
The Bass Club | Runnit Edition
Nov 15, 2024
10:00 pm
The Bass Club | Runnit Edition
The Monument
Jack Wharff & The Tobacco Flats
Nov 23, 2024
7:30 pm
Jack Wharff & The Tobacco Flats
The Monument
The Dirty Grass Players w/ Fireside Collective
Dec 29, 2024
7:00 pm
The Dirty Grass Players w/ Fireside Collective
The Monument
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Tattooed, rural, and blue-collar country tandem Lakeview (Jesse Denaro and Luke Healy) have an unwavering faith in God, a belief in family and community, and a fanbase on social media that has grown rapidly in the past 12 months. Combine that with metal-core roots distilled into country hits like “Home Team” and “See Me in A Suit” by a love of early 2000s pop and rock-aimed country, plus contemporary, radio-ready sound. These elements define their early, fast-rising success.

The band has grown from playing in Chinese restaurants, church basements, and VFW halls to larger arenas because they’re comfortable in the rock lane and as a country duo, bringing traditional country fans together with non-traditional country fans. Like their fans, they’re hard-working heroes who wear Wranglers, boots, and cowboy hats or love Metallica shirts, black skinny jeans, and face tattoos. 

“By the night's end, all our fans realize they’re all the same at the core,” says the band

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